Guide to Essential Biostatistics XXII: Demonstrating synergy from efficacy data - the Additive Dose Model (Wadley/Isobole method)

Active ingredient mixes can extend the patent life of mixture partners and thus defend the market position. A synergistic effect is defined as whenever the action of a combination of active ingredients is greater than the sum of the actions of the individual components. Not only is synergism an accepted argument against any allegation of obviousness in patent applications, but active ingredient synergism also allows better pest, pathogen or weed control with equal or reduced active ingredient rates. However, there is a risk that synergism could cause injury to crops or other non-target plants. In crop protection, two reference models are commonly used to demonstrate synergy: the Multiplicative Survival Model (MSM) for mixtures with differing action, and the Additive Dose Model (ADM) for mixtures with similar action. #cropprotection #synergy #statistics #biostatistics #reference
from BioScience Solutions