Guide to Essential Biostatistics XVII: Inferential Statistics - post ANOVA tests

In this seventeenth article in the LabCoat Guide to BioStatistics series, intended as a basic refresher for scientists and technicians, we cover ANOVA tests. While the t-test is used to compare the means of two treatments, samples or groups, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) are hypothesis tests used to differentiate between the means of more than two treatments, or groups. The most common application of ANOVA in crop protection R&D is the one-way ANOVA, used to differentiate between the means of more than two treatments, for which there is one measurement variable (e.g. plant height) and one nominal variable, or factor (e.g. pesticide). #statistics #biostatistics #experimentalresearch #cropprotection #bioscience #GuideToEssentialBiostatistics #Experimentaldesign
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